Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2015
HARLAS INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT S.A. has been installed, apply, maintain and improve a Quality Management System which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard and consists of a set of processes, procedures, resources and monitoring methods regarding the quality of products and services. Read more…

Certificate of Information Security Management System ISO 27001:2013
For HARLAS S.A., information security and protection is not just an obligation to comply with regulatory requirements. It is also a clear indication of the quality of services and a basic condition for maintaining trust. Read more…

3 stars EFQM Certificate
Our business excellence trip was a milestone for our Company. Today, more than ever, we need to work together in faith to reverse the recession and then grow up. Read more…

IATA Certificate
We are very proud that our Company since 1973 has received a certificate from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for its successful integration into the IATA family. Read more…

FIATA Certificate
We are very proud that our Company has received a certificate from the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations for its successful integration into the FIATA family. Read more…

AEO Cerificate
From the 10th of February 2020, our Company Harlas SA obtains the Certificate of Approved Financial Institution (AEOF: AEO Certificate – Customs Simplifications / Security and Protection). Read more…

Confirmation of Distribution of Medical Devices
From the 5th of April 2021, our company becomes the holder of a Certificate of Distribution of Medical Technological Materials based on Directive 93/42/ΕΟΚ (which has been harmonized with the Directive ΚΥΑ ΔΥ8δ/Γ.Π.οικ.130648). Read more…

ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery Management System
From the 2nd of August 2021, our company becomes the owner of ISO 37001:2016 standard which aims to help an organization implement an effective anti-bribery management system. Read more…

Industrial Security Certification ΕΚΒΑ
Harlas International Transport SA has established and has an Office for the secure storage of classified information that it manages up to the level of “NATIONAL SECRET”, “NATO SECRET”, “EU SECRET” in accordance with Article 2 of the EKBA and the respective directives of NATO and the EU
Thus taking into account the provisions of the National Industrial Safety Regulation (EKBA / 2005) of NATO security policy CM (2002) 49 – Enclosure “G” 17 June 2002 as well as the decision of EUROPEAN COUNSIL 2013/488 / EC was granted to Our company authorizes security degree “NATIONAL SECRET”, “NATO SECRET”, “EU SECRET”
General Directorate for Defense Investments and Armaments (GDDIA) also certified our company as responsible and security executive based on EKBA for the transfer and management of classified material.